Coco Guzman

Toronto, Spain and Canada


Since 2008, Guzman has lived in Canada, where she works as a visual artist for various artist-run spaces, social justice organizations, arts education institutions. She is also the founder with Paulie McDermid, of the Colectivo Pez Luna / Moonfish Collective theater collective.

Her work has been exhibited across Canada (Montreal – Powerhouse Central, MAI -, Toronto – A Space, Textile Museum of Canada, AGO -, St. John’s – Eastern Edge -, London – The Forest City -) as well as the Quebec International Biennial (2017). Internationally, her work has been shown in several places in Spain (including CentroCentro Madrid), South Korea, the Netherlands, Germany and Costa Rica.

As a professional artist, she has received support from the Canada Council for the Arts (2017, 2013, 2012), the Ontario Arts Council (2016, 2015), the Toronto Arts Council (2017), and from the Conseil des arts du Québec. In 2017, she received the Finalist Artist Award from the Toronto Friends of Visual Arts.

Artist's artworks and activities
