Ann Karine Bourdeau Leduc

Montréal, Canada


Ann Karine Bourdeau Leduc lives and works in Montréal, where she completed her Bachelor’s in Visual and Media Arts at UQÀM in 2016. Recipient of the Albert-Dumouchel emerging artist award in 2015, she has also participated in artist residencies at Centre SAGAMIE (Alma), L’imprimerie centre d’artistes (Montréal), Imago (Moncton) and at Engramme (Québec City). In April 2018, she presented her first solo exhibition, Structures temporaires : Unfinished wall work, at Engramme. In July and August 2018, she participated in her first artist residency abroad, at Bòlit Centre d’Art Contemporani in Girona (Catalonia). She is also co-founder of Local 16 artist collective, with a mission to further democratize contemporary art in the Montérégie region.

About the artwork

Bringing together materials and techniques from the construction and renovation industries, my incongruous composite assemblages mix interior and exterior coatings. My constructions represent incomplete architectural spaces, consisting of materials such as wood and gypsum, and of textures printed on paper. The textures are reproduced based on a sampling of materials that are already present in the construction of buildings and houses. To achieve this, I use printing techniques such as screen printing and ink-jet printing, with the objective of diverting the materiality and function of the original materials. I work with samples that reproduce natural and artificial materials, which I transform and transpose into images. Integrated into my framework, by copying what is meant to imitate the real thing, these images serve as an ironic commentary on the “false” nature of some construction and renovation materials.

My sculptural installations represent architectural spaces and elements with functions that seem destined for failure. Frozen in an undetermined stage between construction and deconstruction, their uncertain state makes them at once devoid of the protective aspects provided by all buildings, and of the concept of permanence attached to architecture. While the framework I build has formal and structural functionalities, its primarly role is nevertheless to enable the diffusion of printed images in the space. My work therefore presents a mix of incoherent architectural spaces, blending references to both the domestic world and to construction sites.