Activity Montr’Immo



Through deflection and parodic procedures, Alain Snyers turns a critical eye on society. By multiple plastic means including humour, he creates devices that express realities and social behaviours. Through acknowledgement and irony, he disclaims various facets of daily life. By means of ephemeral installations, diverted objects, poster campaigns and word games, he draws a portrait of urban living. Most of his offerings are designed in relation to their contexts.



Installation, 2018-2019

MONTR’IMMO, the successful Montréal real estate broker is an authentic false real estate agency that offers a surprising selection of totally fictitious, uniquely Montréal real estate products.
A staged storefront in a busy location appears to passersby as a veritable real estate agency that’s part of the urban fabric – a parodic agency showing a catalogue of exclusive offers in its window.
The ambiguity of the appearance of a plausible service or shop gives a first impression of MONTR’IMMO as a real commercial entity. Through a few recognized commercial codes, slogans and signs, the installation is designed to integrate into the public space as a regular component. If the visual aspect and the form of the various ads resemble ordinary messaging of this kind, reading them describes unexpected and impossible realities.
The descriptions of what’s for sale are inspired directly by the topological vocabulary of homes, construction and urban planning. Each of the fifty-odd ads describes in some detail an imaginable place. The whole very eclectic selection of offers creates an incredible Montréal real estate portfolio where commercial falsification becomes possible.

Curator: Art Souterrain


Contact us !


Art Souterrain
460 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, suite 838

Tio’tia:ke (Montréal), QC, H3B 1A7

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