Marc Dulude

Montréal, Canada


Marc Dulude, originating from Saguenay, lives and works in Montréal. He has obtained a master’s in Visuals Arts at the University of Québec in Chicoutimi in 2003. Active since 1999, he has presented many solo exhibitions and has participated in numerous artistic events and collective exhibition in Canada, the USA, France, and Scotland. We can see his public art work in the Montreal region.

About the artwork

Since the beginning of his practice, Marc Dulude has used materials in an experimental way : mirror, bicycles, plastic, plaster, magnets… His practice is
not linked to a material, but to the effect he might get from it. For the hydrocal ( gypsum ciment), the material – subject of his works, it meant taking into account its whiteness, its powdered appearance and to test its malleability: the woollen threads covered in this product allow for a better strength which varies depending on the temperature and humidity of the location. Poetic and surprise factor, the unpredictability directs the faith of the art work in conjunction with gravity and time.

Artist's artworks and activities

Récits d’un possible… la montée en haut !