Tasked by Destination centre-ville, the Société de développement commercial du quartier, the Région Métropolitaine secretary and Arrondissement Ville-Marie, Art Souterrain implants the project Vitrine sur l’Art in downtown Montreal. The project’s goal is to encourage the economic revival of the neighbourhood and to initiate the publics to contemporary art while highlighting windows of shops for rent.
Our mandate is to make the territory lively, accessible, and entertaining by reinforcing the metropole’s competitiveness with a unique offer that distinguishes our downtown area.
Are you an owner ?
You are the owner of a vacant shop in the St. Catherine Street / Sherbrooke Street and Guy Street / Bleury Street sector ?
Contact us at fmikusinski@artsouterrain.com. We will be enchanted to talk about ways to embellish your windows with art pieces.
Photo credit : Mike Patten