Event Vitrine sur l’art 2019


Tasked by Destination centre-ville, the Société de développement commercial du quartier, the Région Métropolitaine secretary and Arrondissement Ville-Marie, Art Souterrain implants the project Vitrine sur l’Art in downtown Montreal. The project’s goal is to encourage the economic revival of the neighbourhood and to initiate the publics to contemporary art while highlighting windows of shops for rent.

Our mandate is to make the territory lively, accessible, and entertaining by reinforcing the metropole’s competitiveness with a unique offer that distinguishes our downtown area.

Are you an owner ?

You are the owner of a vacant shop in the St. Catherine Street / Sherbrooke Street and Guy Street / Bleury Street sector ?
Contact us at fmikusinski@artsouterrain.com. We will be enchanted to talk about ways to embellish your windows with art pieces.

Photo credit : Mike Patten

Current and upcoming activities

Past Activities

Comment Dire

Mi esofago

Image 6

D’improbables rencontres

Cordón umbilical

Comme une rivière qui transperça la ville

Contes Muets

Alice, Lorina, Édith et les autres…




Récits d’un possible… la montée en haut !

Assise 8

Assise 3

Variation 7

Variation 5



Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM

Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM

Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM

Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM

Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM

Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM

Au pas de course – August 31

Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM

Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM

Au pas de course – September 14

Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM

Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM

Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM

FOCUS Visit : Pascale Beaudet and Serge Marchetta

Weekend mediation 12PM-5PM



Artificial intelligence, numeric platforms, visual arts, laser cuts controlled through computers, 3D printing… Can art still be controlled by the artist’s hand today?

In our technological societies, there’s no question about going back to candle lights and galleys moved by oars. If the machine is more efficient and faster than humankind, there are, of course, some domains for which it can never replace us. Machines can compliment, help, adjust, but pure creation is not its forte (even though there is some experimenting with artificial intelligence).

Since the 16th century, we have observed the creation of a void between art professions and art. During the 20th century, the artist became the designer of art works, and their fabrication, often, was handed to specialized technicians. Conceptual art has promoted this way of doing to its peak. In paintings, for example, Sol LeWitt gave instructions on how to execute his work, done by students or assistants. The interpretation sometimes causing differences in the final work.

Simultaneously, art professions have been forgotten, considered outdated. This tendency has, however, slowly been countered over the last few years thanks to a requalification: think for example about the glass artist Dave Chihuly whose pieces can be seen all around the world. Small artists invest in contemporary art: textile art, ceramic, glass. There is a developing movement, in which the attention given to the object is linked to a reflection on the doing and on the bigger or smaller issues, society, the profound self…


Pascale Beaudet

Pascale Beaudet


I notice that artist, may they be young or experienced, in the art professions or not, continue to invest in non-technological creations.

Therefore, my theme is concentrated both on materials and fabrication. It involves a wide variety of materials – glass, paper, textiles, ceramic, metal, plexiglass, rubber, mirror, plastic…and just as wide of a presentation variety: installations, sculpture on ground or wall, suspended pieces.

Amongst all the artists selected, manual work is present, with shaping, moulding, cutting, assembling, braiding… The hand is often assisted by a tool, but she directs it. The public will find textured pieces on display in the windows, sometimes coloured, always presenting a tactile facet to allow him to immerse himself in the work. The materials and their effects are the constant in each display.

With a Doctor in art history, Pascale Beaudet is an independent curator and a specialist in public art author. She is also interested in cross-practices of contemporary art and crafts. She has over twenty solo and group exhibitions, many of which international.

Thanks to our partners

Institutional partners

Contact us !


Art Souterrain
460 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, suite 838

Tio’tia:ke (Montréal), QC, H3B 1A7

Support our action

A permanent team works on the festival and the various projects every year and we offer internships and volunteering on different missions to help us in our mandate.



Restez au courant de nos prochains événements !