Claude Millette

Saint-Bernard-de-Michaudville, Canada


Claude Millette works and lives in Saint-Bernard-de-Michaudville. He has to his credit many solo and collective exhibitions, in Quebec and elsewhere, and has participated in several international sculpture symposiums. To this day, Clause Millette has produced over forty public art pieces, many of which in Quebec. His art works are part of many collections, both private and public.

About the artwork

Claude Millette is, before anything else, a sculpture interested in steel and its variations : painted, stainless, corten… Well-known for his public art work, he also realized small formats, always non-figurative. Recently, these have taken a playful look. We can associate them to the vegetal or animal world, or to the machinic universe, but they are, before anything else, a reflection on the empty and full, balance and imbalance, movement and static. As a true manipulator of the material, Claude Millette, welds, cuts, bolts, assembles and this very physical work on the metal is intimately linked to his gait.

Crédit photo : François Larivière

Artist's artworks and activities


