Activity FOCUS Visit with Juliette Bibasse


You are invited to attend a unique visit! Discover the art that lives in our underground through the eyes of our curators and step into the world of this year’s festival participants.

The meeting place will be in front of Berlin wall, at the World Trade Centre Montreal, Square-Victoria station.
The end of the route is scheduled at the ICAO building, Square-Victoria-OACI station.

Free – limited places – booking recommended
Book your place

Juliette Bibasse

Works and lives in Brussels, Belgium. With a background in graphic design and artistic direction, Juliette has a taste for simple, efficient, stripped down aesthetics.

Since 2009, she has been applying her skills to the digital art scene, creating connections and opportunities between cultural actors. She collaborates with several international artists, touring existing projects and new creations. Since 2016, she has been working as an independent curator for several festivals and cultural institutions. In 2019 she co-founded SALOON Brussels.


Contact us !


Art Souterrain
460 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, suite 838

Tio’tia:ke (Montréal), QC, H3B 1A7

Support our action

A permanent team works on the festival and the various projects every year and we offer internships and volunteering on different missions to help us in our mandate.



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