Soroush Aram

Montreal, Canada


Soroush Aram is an Iranian multidisciplinary visual artist working in Montreal. After completing his training in Fine Arts at the University of Tehran in 2002, Soroush developed a particular aesthetic centred between drawing and performance art, juggling images of the past and dreams of the future.

His practice has been shown in Iran since 2010. Today, his career occurs mainly in Canada, where he gradually integrates the various spheres of contemporary art in Quebec, participating in exhibitions, residencies, workshops and support programs such as the DAM, Montreal in the Arts, SKOL and Montreal Arts Interculturels.

The people around him inspire his pictorial approach. The artist works mainly with acrylics, adding drips, splashes and stains that constantly reorient the direction of the work. His paintings are intentionally dense, busy and complex, with a diversity of shapes, textures, lines and colours.

About the artwork


REMINESCENCE explores traces of the past and memory through a series of drawings on piano rolls. The work combines drawing and performance, while the size of the drawing boards approximates the size of the artist’s body. Inspired by an intersecting pictorial tradition – which includes Mesopotamian culture, surrealism and art brut, REMINESCENCE explores traces of the past and sensory memory, using discarded objects from the music industry and the memories of those who listened to them.


1001 Jean Paul Riopelle Place
Entrance St-Urbain Street
Residence completed

Photo : Camille Dubuc