Divers Divers
Divers Divers is an emerging collective whose mandate is to poeticize everyday life and make art accessible to all citizens. It was founded in 2020 by four theatre graduates, namely Flavie Lemée (ÉNTC, Creation and Production), Marianne Lonergan Pilotto (ÉNTC, Scenography and Costume Design), Paloma de Muylder (CADQ, Interpretation), and Sarya Bazin (CADM, Interpretation).
In 2020, the collective participated to VOUS ÊTES ICI // YOU ARE HERE, by La Serre – Arts Vivants and presented at the Aux Écuries theatre.
Divers Divers provokes spontaneous encounters by organizing free and temporary public performances. The collective’s creations stem from the intertwining of traditional theatre practices with performative spontaneity. They take up codes specific to the visual arts and dance, giving a pivotal role to light and scenography. The collective develops projects that adapt to traditional and alternative venues, such as vacant lots and back alleys.
About the artwork
Catalogue du geste humain (2020-2021)
Catalogue du geste humain is an interdisciplinary artwork. Divers Divers reflects on the banal, but also on sharing our solitudes and similarities. The project takes on a whole new dimension and importance following a year and a half of confinement, which allowed some to observe the gestures that govern their daily lives.
Through the Catalogue du geste humain, the collective asks the following questions: What is the life we lead essentially made of; Are we defined by what we do; What is productivity; Is there a space of freedom in the repeated gesture? Fueled by these questions and inspired by acts of micro-resistance, the members of Divers Divers investigate the multitude of relationships between bodies, ordinary objects and shared spaces, intending to reveal the subtle poetry of the everyday.
The project welcomes two collaborators, Myriam Arseneault (dancer) and Geneviève Akerman (composer and musician).
111 Boulevard Robert Bourassa
Entrance Edifice SAP Canada, Room 1350
Residence completed
Photo : Camille Dubuc