Bahar Taheri

Montreal, Canada


Bahar Taheri is an artist of Iranian origin (b. 1980 in Tehran). Since 2014, she lives and works in Montreal.

Her artistic practice combines different media such as painting, videography, performance and mixed media installations. She holds an MFA in painting from Soore University of Art in Tehran (2009). She has participated in solo and group exhibitions in Iran, Europe and Canada. She is also a recipient of numerous grants, such as Vivacité, Recherche-Création (CALQ), Allianceartiste en arts visuels (MAI) and DémART-Mtl (CAM). Her work can be found in the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts collection, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tehran collection and multiple private collections. In 2019, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) had selected a work by Taheri to mark the 20th anniversary of the Musée en Partage Program.

Living in a region torn by political and cultural conflict has galvanized her fascination with
history. She has recently initiated a project that examines architectural structures and their
relationship to power, religion and capital.

About the artwork

Oneness : Architecture et Pouvoir (2020-2021)

Oneness represents the second phase of a research-creation project which includes painting, video, photolithography and installation. The work is dedicated to the formal and symbolic deconstruction of power architectures. Moving away from figuration, Taheri explores geometric abstraction. She deconstructs monumental buildings, reducing them to pieces and transforming them into a light, suspended mass, which reveals their fragility.


1 Place Ville Marie
Entrance Cathcart Street, PVM Gallery – Room 11152
Residence completed

Photo : Camille Dubuc