5160, LaSalle Boulevard H4G 2C1 Verdun, QC (Verdun station)
(514) 872-4995

Opening hours

Tuesday to Friday : 1 PM 5 PM and 5:30 PM - 8 PM
Saturday and Sunday : 10 AM - 12 PM et 12:30 PM - 5 PM



As a cultural venue with a community focus, the Quai 5160 - Maison de la culture de Verdun invites residents to discover artistic works across a range of disciplines, including music, song, dance, theatre, visual arts, and circus arts.

Quai 5160, a multidisciplinary municipal space for cultural dissemination, forms part of the Accès culture network. The network’s mandate is to make professional artistic projects accessible by showing openness to new voices, cutting-edge disciplines, new practices as well as cultural diversity. Cultural staff at the Verdun borough curate indoor and outdoor cultural programming in both the performing and the visual arts. They are also responsible for forging outreach partnerships with professional artists.