Event Conseil des arts de Montréal en tournée
2019-2020 Season


For a 2nd edition, Art souterrain presents a selection of works from the 2017 edition of its iconic festival as part of the Conseil des arts de Montréal en tournée.

Current and upcoming activities


Play & Distraction

The desire to be entertained is inexorably linked to human nature.

The place of the game has evolved over the centuries. Nowadays, the change in the organization of work has led us to the advent of a “civilization of leisure”, forging a new social order.

Human beings need to be entertained, but where is the break point between activities synonymous with emancipation or reflection and activities that would be considered alienating or regressive?

Thanks to our partners

Institutional partners

Diffusion partners

Contact us !

[email protected]

Art Souterrain
460 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, suite 838

Tio’tia:ke (Montréal), QC, H3B 1A7

Support our action

A permanent team works on the festival and the various projects every year and we offer internships and volunteering on different missions to help us in our mandate.



Restez au courant de nos prochains événements !