Gild Gábor



Gild Gábor lives in Grenoble (France). As a graduate in Performing Arts, her approach is based on the image and its multiplicity of forms: fixed or animated, printed on paper or projected on screen, framed on a wall or alive on a theater stage. Today, her artistic approach in photography and video is part of a work centered on Russia, and on Russian  women especially, pillars of the country’s social life.

About the artwork


I See Karl Marx from my Window  is a series of panoramic photographs that showcase a faraway land: a warm apartment behind a worn-out facade, a preserved grocery store at the corner of  a building, etc. These photographs bear witness to the legacy of the transition from the Soviet era in Russia at the end of the 1990s and evoke from the inside the life of a small Russian town managed – with varying degrees of difficulty – by its inhabitants.

Blending documentary aesthetics with panoramic photographs composed by assemblage, Gild Gábor distorts perspectives between impressions of reality and diffuse strangeness.  The space unfolds and reinvents itself in a distorted perspective.